Thursday, July 16, 2009

Head, shoulder, knees, and toes

You know you're a teacher when you have "head, shoulder, knees, and toes" stuck in your head because you sang it approximately 9,872,916 times today. Complete with the motions.

You jealous?


...this girl's life... said...

I believe we had to sing that on stage at a certain place for a certain someone's bachelorette party. I think it may have been a little different.....

LWLH said...

I am extremely jealous.. lol :)

Under this Umbrella said...

I so understand and am in fact not jealous. You know I used to be a teacher too and know the whole drill. Also, at storytime at the library yesterday, we did this song and the whole wave of memories came coming back.

When you start dreaming about it, you know there is a problem. :)