Thursday, May 17, 2012

Dead rats and other randomness...

Recess is one of my favorite times with the kiddos. Seeing these kids, who have significant behavior issues, engaging in age-level appropriate play with other students really makes me feel like maybe I'm making a difference in their lives. It also helps that I'm surrounded by approximately 50 students who are not in my classroom and are super cute because I don't have to deal with them, except for 15 minutes while I'm outside, soaking up the rays, dreaming of being on a far away beach... sipping a margarita. Wait. Nevermind. Just soaking up the rays. I'm totally watching those kids with eyes like a hawk, making sure they are playing appropriately. I would never let my mind wander while I'm on the job.
Back to my point. Recess pretty much rocks. At least at my school. I know other teachers dread it, but I really enjoy it. It's all fun and games, though, until a kid brings you a dead rat.
Thank all things holy that the kids were wise enough to bring it to my amazing teaching assistant (who promptly screamed like a girl ((he's a boy)) and demanded they throw that "gross thing down!") instead of me.
I thought I was in the clear until my little red-headed bundle of fun grabbed my hand and demanded I look at the dead rat because, "It's kind of like a science experiment." and his side kick who demanded I look, "because we all have to face our fears at some point. I looked at the bugs and I'm TOTALLY scared of bugs, so you should look at the dead rat who is missing its head so you're not scared of it anymore."
*&%!!!!! How do I argue with that logic? I couldn't explain to them that I wasn't afraid, it was really just because who wants to see a dead rat that's missing its head?
Certainly not me.
And that's when I decided recess was over.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Things cute kids say...

Some of the better quotes from the past few days....
"Eeeeeeew! He just spit. I just stepped in second hand spit. I really hope he doesn't have a sickness. I better make sure I don't put my shoes in my mouth, just in case."  ~Hold up. Second hand spit? Doesn't exist. Also, I'm pretty sure you should never put your shoes in your mouth, regardless of what you stepped in. It's just the sanitary thing to do.
"Whoa! Look at that blazing ball of blindness in the sky."
~Nice use of alliteration. Guess someone paid attention during our poetry unit.
"I'm pretty sure not everyone loves glitter as much as you do. I don't think my mommy would like pink glitter. She's not weird like you." ~Listen up, kid.I'm not weird. I'm normal. If your mom doesn't like pink glitter, that's her problem. Not mine. You should still rock the pink glitter and tell her to suck it up. In my class? We use pink. And we like it. As evidenced by all of my boys answering pink! when asked their favorite color. Booyah. I win. Score one for the pink lovers of the world.
"Do you really think I like being here? It's like torture!" ~Wow! For once we actually agree! Putting up with your shenanigans really is a medieval torture chamber. Either that or I'm a masochist.
These kids crack me up. It's a wonder I can actually keep a straight face when they throw these lines at me.
In other awesome-sauce news in my classroom, this was the first year I've gotten Teacher Appreciation Week gifts! Of course it's not all about the gifts, but really? I put up with your child for a really long time. Your super naughty child. The one who throws things at me and tells me to shut the f*ck up. You could send me a cookie. I do love cookies. But this year? I got gifts everyday this week. And not just from the parent who is a teacher. From more than half of my kids. I'm pretty spoiled this year. None of the other teachers on my team got gifts. Not a single one.
My favorite gift? The pink dry erase marker. Hell yeah. Pink? And I can use it on my board. Booyah.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

{It's been awhile...}

Sorry about that. Wish I had some really awesome story about how a pteradactyl attacked me, but the reality is.. it was just life getting in the way.
Here's what's been going on around these parts...
  • Finished my SECOND 1/2 marathon this weekend. Beat my time by 14 minutes. That's pretty huge. Please don't think I'm some super runner, it's really because I ran very slowly the first race. Plus, I knew what I was doing the second time around. That always helps.
  • I now have 8 students. Yes, you read that correctly. I started with 2. I'm at 8. I freakin' quadrupled my class in less than 8 months. Oh and my super-awesome, ridiculously-supportive assistant? She had the audacity to move. Gah. My life was turned upside down rather quickly. Basically I'm lucky to be alive right now. {OK.. I'm being dramatic, but you get my drift}
  • I'm planning a totally fantastic bridal shower for the cuz. You should be jealous that I'm not your MOH. I'm rockin' this shower.
  • My kiddos are totally wild and crazy, but oh-so-darned-cute. I have a few who have really turned out some awesome comments. Of course, I can't remember them now. I *promise* to be better about writing them down. For some reason, I seem to have my hands full every second of the day with those hooligans, so remember a funny comment is really difficult. But I will work on it. Promise.
That's it for now. I'll be back, soon. Hopefully. If not, send a search party. Mmmmmkay?