Sunday, August 2, 2009

Call me Crazy..

Is it horrible that I'm excited for school to start? I know, I know.. in a few weeks I'll be begging for summer.

Here's what I'm excited about..

  • setting up my classroom
  • putting up new bulletin boards
  • creating all my folders
  • new school supplies
  • organizing the classroom
  • the first day of school
  • seeing all my kiddos from last year
  • seeing how much said kiddos have grown
  • diving head first into reading!
  • implementing all the fun things I've been reading about this summer


Any other teachers out there who get excited for the first day of school?


LWLH said...

I'm actually excited to be going back to school too and I'm going to be the student, but that means I'm one step closer to being the teacher (I'm an elementary education major) :)

Under this Umbrella said...

Totally...I was actually just thinking about it today. I miss this time so really is exciting. I love that you are excited too. Can't wait to hear about everything!