Friday, April 23, 2010

World's Best Teacher..

In addition to making my kids pick up trash in honor of Earth Day, I definitely secured my spot as the World's Best Teacher (sarcasm, duh..)
In a fit of what can only be described as desperation, I informed my kids that when they do not listen to me, I do not teach them and when I do not teach them, I can be fired. I, obviously, did not think this through, as I had one in tears and another begging me to not lose my job. Of course, the one who didn't want me to lose my job said something to the tune of, "You awe mean, but what if the udder wady is meaner? I will wisten to everyting you say so you don't get fi-you'd."
Only the World's Best Teacher would threaten her 8 year olds with being fired if they didn't listen.
But, on a positive note, I did come up with a pretty witty line for my kids. File this under the "wow, I do know what I'm talking about sometimes" category. I told my kids to use a little less this (pointing to the mouth) and a little more this (pointing to ears). I'm thinking this is going to become my new tag-line. I'll definitely add it to the, "Wouldn't you rather look at my beautiful face than your neighbor's? I mean, really." and, "There's only one drama queen in this That doesn't leave room for any drama kings. Dry it up."
You can send your nominations for World's Best Teacher at any point... I got this one.


Kristi said...

"There's only one drama queen in this That doesn't leave room for any drama kings. Dry it up." LOVE.

LWLH said...

I put my nomination in for you1! Lol :)

Your tales of teaching always amuse me!!