Thursday, November 11, 2010

Peeping Tom?

Just had a nice convo with one of the ladies who lives in my complex. I was commenting on the cold weather and taking her dog for a walk when she said, "Your dog is so cute and so well behaved! I watch you with her all the time."

Um... hello stalker. I've never ran into her while walking Zoey. It's only ever been when she was with her dog. So I kind of figured she had no idea I had a dog. Until she fessed up that she's a peeping Tom (or.. whatever you would call a peeping woman) and she watches me from her window.



C Mae said...

I wouldn't be freaked out by it. I am pretty perceptive with my condo complex who drives what car, where each one lives...I feel better knowing these things..Maybe that makes me more like the lady neighbor you think is a stalker lol..but sometimes for safety reasons you need to always be taking mental notes about "neighbors".

LWLH said...

That's strange and a little creepy

Courtney said...

HAHAHA, I met one of my closest MD friends that way. She confessed she had been watching me with my dog and thought, "She looks like a nice girl! I need to go meet her!."

Then she would watch until I was out with Bella, grab her dog and try to "run in" to me.


Courtney said...

Hahaha I met one of my closest MD friends that way. She confessed that she would watch me with Bella and think "She looks like a nice girl! I need to meet her!" And then she would watch for us to be outside, grab her dog and try to "run in" to me. Too funny!