Totally rocked out to the new Britney Spears on the way to my meeting this morning...
Not a big deal, except I have to be all sorts of professional in my meeting. It's waaaaay hard to be profesh when I'm rocking to the tunes in my head.
Totally rocked out to the new Britney Spears on the way to my meeting this morning...
Not a big deal, except I have to be all sorts of professional in my meeting. It's waaaaay hard to be profesh when I'm rocking to the tunes in my head.
Posted by Kids, Canines, and Chaos at 8:39 AM
Love it! Depending on what kind of day I think I might have, I have been known to rock it to a variety of different songs on the way to school.
The hard part is remembering to turn the radio down before I pull into the school parking lot and put my principal's hat back on ; )
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