Sunday, April 26, 2009

Blonde Moments...

Last night we were getting ready to play pictionary when I loudly* ask, "We have to draw with those little pencils? How do we get them out of the little holders? I know they always have little pencils, but these are just ridiculous!" Um.... hello, those are the markers for your spot, not the pencils you draw with. Oops.. blonde moment.

*I do not have an inside voice. No matter what I say, everyone is bound to hear it.

This morning I was getting all creative in paint when hubby asks me what I'm doing. I giggle to myself and say, isn't this guy creepy? I'm blogging about how this creepy guy is always on my email. He begins giggling.. he's like, I think you can just click the x above his head and he'll go away. Oops, my bad. Blonde moment numero dos.

He is pretty creepy looking. He looks like he really wants to have a face to face convo with me. I mean REALLY wants to talk to me. I'm glad hubby explained to me how to get him to go away. I kind of felt like he was always staring at me. Weird.


LWLH said...

lol...Love the pencil one..hilarious! : )

Allison said...

can't wait to meet you in real life...sounds like you will keep me entertained :) heehee!

...this girl's life... said...

Don't worry, I've definitely been wondering why google would put creepy guy up as well. The first day he was there, I had an brief panic attack because I really thought someone was staring back at me. I also never even considered that there's a "get rid of him" option. You're not the only blonde in this family....