Monday, April 27, 2009

Recipe for a Better Mood....

Flowers from your husband? check.
New office supplies for your classroom? check
Chocolate? check.
Puppies who love to cuddle? check.

It was a long day. One of those that starts off good, but somehow morphs into a monster and you've got grumpy coming out of your ears. (The heat probably had something to do with it. My upper lip was sweating as I was teaching-- talk about GROSS.)

I promise... back to my normal, witty, sarcastic self tomorrow. Pinky swear.


Ashley said...

no fair... I want flowers!

Melissa said...

This is a funny post, my day was almost the same except my hubs brought home chocolate sorbet! Aren't puppies just the most awesome mood-lifter ever???

Have a great night and a better tomorrow!

Kelly said...

For some reason my county has decided to try and save $$ by not turning on the air conditioning in my school. Yesterday I taught my last period standing out in the hallway so I could feel the breeze from outside! You could say I was a bit grumpy after that...