Thursday, December 22, 2011
Simple Pleasures..
Posted by Kids, Canines, and Chaos at 7:51 AM Talked Back (1)
Sunday, December 18, 2011
Little Big Man came in with a new t-shirt today. It was, uh, a little inappropriate.
It said, "I love my wiener" with a picture of a wiener dog. The best part? Trying to explain to him why the shirt was inappropriate. I said something to the effect of, "Your shirt is talking about wiener dogs, but not everyone understands that. Someone might think you're talking about your, uh, well, uh, privates."
When he went to time out (in another room with another adult), he told the adult, "My shirt is appropriate. It's talking about wieners. Your wiener is your private." Yes, he totally meant inappropriate but said it wrong. The adult was all sorts of confused.
Um.. hello? You sent your child in to school with a shirt referencing wieners? Wow. Klassy.
Posted by Kids, Canines, and Chaos at 12:07 PM Talked Back (1)
Labels: lord help us all
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
365 days...
One year ago today, I lost my father.
My mom put it well when she commented on Facebook about the things she had learned through this. Besides the crazy emotions, she mentioned the importance of time and compassion for others.
Please take time to tell those you love how much they mean to you. Have compassion for others, as you don't know what they are going through. If anyone would have crossed paths with me today, they may have mistaken my crabby attitude for someone who is just plain rude. Instead, I was having a hard time keeping my emotions in check. But to the cashier who smiled and told me to be blessed, I thank you. Your kind words reminded me to count my blessings. While I can't hug my dad physically, or hear his laugh, I can remember the hugs we shared and the jokes he told.
I am still grieving and will be for some time, but I'm thankful to be surrounded by those who care for me. I'm thankful for a roof over my head and food on the table. I have heat that works and will have a wonderful Christmas. I'm luckier than a lot of people this Christmas because of that.
And because I have a guardian angel looking down on me.
Sent from my iPad
Posted by Kids, Canines, and Chaos at 8:56 PM Talked Back (2)
Monday, December 5, 2011
Christmas Presents and Sand
My little man was upset today because his dad made him eat broccoli. He was practically devastated his father would make him do something so horrid. I began explaining that it was not corporal punishment, especially because I happen to love broccoli and if someone forced me to eat it, I would happily oblige.
That was when Christmas present ideas began flowing.
"Ms. L, I'm going to buy you broccoli for Christmas because you love it so much. I have $15, how much broccoli can I buy you?"
Um.. that's a whole lotta broccoli, my friend.
"Or, I could buy you a DS game that has puppies instead of shooting. I know you don't like shooting. But you love Zoey, so a puppy game would be cool."
Yeah, well.. I don't have a DS.
"I'll buy you a DS and a puppy game."
And later on? In the middle of math, "I can't skip count by tens when I have sand in my ears! It's impossible!"
Yes, skip counting and other great mathematical endeavors are impossible when sand invades your ears, rendering you unable to complete math tasks.
I LOVE my job.
Posted by Kids, Canines, and Chaos at 6:27 PM Talked Back (2)
Labels: kids say the darndest things
Sunday, December 4, 2011
Or, the story of how a 10 year old has forever changed my outlook on life.
I'm not sure if I've told you all this, but I'm a coach for Girls on the Run (GOTR). GOTR is a program that encourages young ladies in grades 3-5 to believe in themselves, through running. We spend 12 weeks learning about ourselves, others, and our community, while training for a 5K. Each of the girls participates in the 5K with a running buddy- an adult who completes the 3.1 miles by their side.
Enter "Jill". Jill is a 5th grader who is very overweight. She signed up because "why not?" (her words, not mine). Her family encouraged her, but doubted her ability to actually run the 5K. And I'll be honest, I did, too. In practice, she worked to the best of her ability, but never could run a whole lot. She encouraged her teammates, but always doubted herself. If one of the other girls spoke poorly about themselves, she was the first to give that girl a compliment. She believed in everyone but herself.
Today? She completed a 5K. It wasn't pretty. There were tears. We walked, walked, and walked. It was blood, sweat, and tears for every inch of those 3.1 miles. At mile one, I was full of doubt. I couldn't see any other girls and I knew we were headed for dead last. At the first water station, we started to see the front of the pack. They were minutes away from finishing. We were MILES away from finishing. At mile 2, we didn't see anyone except race volunteers. At mile 2.5, one person asked us if we were the last ones out there. We were. But we weren't going to stop. At mile 3, she asked me what the point was in finishing because no one would be at the finish line, we were the last ones out there. She cried for a moment and asked to stop. She told me she couldn't do it.
But SHE did it. SHE finished.
I am forever changed by the courage it took for Jill to finish that 5K. She could have given up. But she didn't.
She finished that race, and changed my life.
Posted by Kids, Canines, and Chaos at 6:09 PM Talked Back (0)
Labels: inspiration
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Vom City
Ya'll.. I almost vommed. Straight up vom in my mouth in front of my kids.
All because I fall for peer pressure every.single.time.
My assistant was all like, "Something smells funky. What could it be?"
And I'm all like, "Uh. I have no clue." She did some crazy recon
mission and looked all over to find the culprit of the smell.
She found it, all right and proceeded to make my intern smell it. Then
she asked me to smell it and I immediately said, "No way. I'm no
fool." They were egging me on even more and I fell for the peer
I took a baby whiff. Just a small one. Tiny, even.
And BAM! It hit me like a ton of bricks and before I knew it, I was
gagging and vomming in my mouth.
In front of the kids.
I ran out of there so quickly, swallowed, and went back with a smile
on my face. Well, after I rinsed out my mouth of course.
Go ahead, sign me up for teacher of the year award. I got this.
Posted by Kids, Canines, and Chaos at 10:26 AM Talked Back (0)
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Monday, November 21, 2011
Oh no.
What have I done?!
I just signed up for the 2012 Sun Trust Rock 'n Roll half marathon in DC.
Oh no.
I think I might have lost my mind.
Posted by Kids, Canines, and Chaos at 3:25 PM Talked Back (0)
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Okay ladies..I have the best guy in the world.
Guess who gave ME a present on his birthday? Not just an ordinary present (that's not how he rolls) but jewelry. A strand of pearls! A beautiful pearl necklace.
I suppose I'll keep him around for awhile.
While we are on the topic of spoiled, I realized I never told you all about my birthday! Long story, but I'll make it short. Roomie arranged for mom to fly down, BFF arranged a surprise party. The boy kept me busy so everyone could gather. And I was shocked as hell to see my mom there!
The mom bought me an iPad. The boy bought me a super hot coach bag. The BFF got me Vera. And BFF from high school sent a tar-jay gift card which came in super handy a few weeks ago when I bought a pasta container. Don't judge, I hate the stupid boxes of spaghetti, so this bad boy keeps it upright and airtight. Other people were so very thoughtful, too.
So, as my brother would say... I'm not spoiled, I'm just well taken care of.
Posted by Kids, Canines, and Chaos at 9:25 AM Talked Back (1)
Labels: birthday
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Missing Him..
They say time heals all wounds. And I'm sure after a good amount of time has passed, that's probably true. A year, however, is just not enough time.
In the next couple of weeks, I will be tackling some big hurdles.
First up? Thanksgiving. One of my dad's favorite holidays. He loved Thanksgiving because we had all of our family together (an event that only happens once a year) and we ate ourselves sick. My dad loved his family and his food. While I'm thankful I will still get the opportunity to spend time with family, a huge hole will be there. A black cloud hanging over the holiday.
I used to cook with my dad by my side. While it wasn't always pretty (we ALWAYS seemed to run in to eachother and my parents kitchen is not small by any means) and there was sure to be a comment under our breath aimed toward other, it will be lonely without him there. It will be painfully lonely in the kitchen.
A few short weeks after that hurdle, we will have made it one year without my father. It makes me break out in a sweat just thinking about it. A year. Three hundred sixty five days without my dad. I've done a lot in those days, but it just seems so unreal. I will no longer measure his passing in months, I'll switch to years. How? How has it been a year?
After that? Oh.. that big holiday. Christmas. His second favorite holiday. We're not really celebrating it this year. Instead of white snowflakes, we'll be laying on the white beaches of Curacao. It will be a wonderful vacation, I'm sure. But again, that hole. The big, gaping hole that will be in our hearts. He will not be there. Do we know how to travel without him? I'm not sure. There has never been a time, that I can remember, that I went on a vacation with the entire family, without my dad. How will we make it through? Will we smile knowing he is with us? When my brother laughs, it's my dad's laugh. When he smiles, it's my dad. Heck, just looking at my brother, we see my dad. But yet, he's not there. I know he's "with us in spirit" but sometimes spirit just isn't enough.
I have a heavy heart these days. And the next couple of weeks will only add to that. While I'm blessed to have a wonderful family and I wouldn't trade them for the world, I do wish for one more day with him. One more day to hear his laugh. One more hug. One more I love you. One more...everything.
I pray that my family and I can make it through these next couple of weeks.
Posted by Kids, Canines, and Chaos at 7:30 PM Talked Back (2)
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
F@rt Guns
The little fella turned to me and said, "But I'm talking about a gun everybody has."
"Ugh, what? A gun we all have?", I asked him curiously.
"Yes! A fart gun! You know," he said, pointing to his behind, "toot, toot, toot! A fart gun!"
I began laughing uncontrollably because I'm that mature.
Where do they get their material? Kids.
Posted by Kids, Canines, and Chaos at 10:09 AM Talked Back (1)
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Ohhhhh em geeeee
Mommy surprised me for my birthday weekend AND I'm posting from my NEW iPad. Officially the luckiest girl in the world. (we won't mention that I'm knocking on thirty's door.. Mmmmkay?)
I'll post details and the video of Mommy, BFF, and roomie pulling off the surprise.
For now? I'll be busy with my iPad.
Posted by Kids, Canines, and Chaos at 11:08 PM Talked Back (1)
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Posted by Kids, Canines, and Chaos at 1:17 PM Talked Back (1)
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Have you seen them?
Posted by Kids, Canines, and Chaos at 3:33 PM Talked Back (1)
Friday, October 7, 2011
I'll take my nominations now..
Posted by Kids, Canines, and Chaos at 3:37 PM Talked Back (3)
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Posted by Kids, Canines, and Chaos at 1:53 PM Talked Back (0)
Tales of a 10 Year Reunion..
Posted by Kids, Canines, and Chaos at 1:52 PM Talked Back (1)
Friday, September 30, 2011
Posted by Kids, Canines, and Chaos at 1:47 PM Talked Back (1)
Monday, September 26, 2011
I Hate Flying Things...
The roomie and I spent a relaxing Sunday pampering ourselves with mani's/pedi's and really good coffee.
As we were leaving the nail salon, I spotted a snickers bar. Snickers bite sized, of course. But still snickers. And still ooey and gooey and caramel-y and chocolate-y and .. and.. well, you get the point.
As I was ripping open the elusive snickers bar, I ruined my nail. For the third time. (yes, I'm super impatient and/or spastic and always hit my nails on something or touch them too early and pow! it's ruined.) And the roomie was totally making fun of me for being spastic/impatient and was all, "Wow.. I can't believe you had to have your nails retouched 3 times because you can't just sit like a normal person and let them dry."
Truth hurts.Whatevs.
I was plotting my revenge when all of a sudden a flippin' stink bug the size of Montana flew and landed on my hand. If you know anything about stink bugs, you know you can't squish them because they smell all kinds of gross. And they are totally prehistoric looking, so they look like they may be distant relatives of triceratops.
In my head I'm all like, "WTF do I do?! I can't squish this thing because there will be bug guts all over my hand. And I can't move my fingers because the roomie will make fun of me and I'm out of the salon now so I can't even get this shiz fixed. CRAP!" Outside my head, I'm all like, "aaaaaaaaaaaaah!" and I blew on the darn thing and won't you know it wouldn't even move! It was like the spider man of stink bugs. Again, I'm all like, "aaaaaaaaaaah!" and blowing my brains out trying to get this thing to fly away.
Roommate? Laughing.
Me? Freaking.
Stink bug? Likely laughing.
I finally decided to flick my hand. Won't you know that thing stood there and took it! I finally gave one good blow and it didn't budge, but then jumped off my hand. I totally showed that thing who is boss!
From there, we headed to the pet store to check out the prices on dog bones because when you have two dogs, it's like you go through bones in a hot second and all we ever do is spend $20 here and $20 there on stupid bones for the dogs. So we wanted them cheap.
We're just walking in when I see some 10 year old holding a freakin' gerbil in his hand and I'm all like, "Holy shiz! Drop that thing! It might bite you!" As I'm having a mental freak out, a bird begins squawking. We're talking screaming at us.
Now would be a great time to time-out and remind you that I'm deathly afraid of birds. I was attacked on multiple occasions growing up and I just can't handle them.
So I'm having a mental freak out about the creepy crawly gerbil while this 10 year old is all but making out with it, when the bird screams bloody murder at me. You know what I did? I ran. I ran out of the bloody pet store because I'm a baby and I'm scared to death of birds.
And you know what that 10 year old did? He laughed at me.
Sucker. Wait 'til the gerbil poops on your hand.
Posted by Kids, Canines, and Chaos at 7:32 PM Talked Back (1)
Labels: blonde moment, seriously
Saturday, September 24, 2011
That was.....uh... Weird.
Today I was driving, minding my own business. I happened to glance in the rearview mirror and see a police cruiser at the light I just went through. I'm all like, "Crap! Was I following the rules?" And quickly realized that I was. No big deal. Right?
Wrong. The cruiser goes through the light and starts driving really fast right behind me. Then the lights go on. No chance it was for me, right? I was following the rules.
Then I look in the mirror again to see if, hopefully, I know the officer. You know because the bf is an officer and I know a bunch of his friends.
I then realize it is a face I know. In fact, I know the face really well. It was my freakin' boyfriend! I was pulled over by my boyfriend.
Needless to say, I got away without a ticket.
Posted by Kids, Canines, and Chaos at 9:06 PM Talked Back (3)
Friday, September 23, 2011
Posted by Kids, Canines, and Chaos at 12:27 PM Talked Back (2)
Friday, September 16, 2011
Remember how I moved recently?
My new address is all of one number off of my old address (with a totally different road name, town, and zip code...) and I effed up and typed the wrong address for the DMV when I changed it online. No biggie, right? WRONG. I didn't notice until AFTER I returned from the DMV to renew my driver's license.
The license I waited in line for an hour to get.
The one that cost me $30.
The one I literally got less than 3 hours prior to realizing my mistake.
Turns out they cost money to be replaced. And you can get a ticket for having an invalid driver's license.
To make matters worse? I realized it as I was walking into the gyne*cologists office and was almost hit by a car because I was walking down aisle with my head down, paying no attention to the driver who was driving balls to the wall to make their appointment. Seriously. Who is that excited to go to the gyne*cologist?
Probably the same person who pays $30 for a driver's license that is valid for 5 years with the WRONG address.
Posted by Kids, Canines, and Chaos at 6:42 PM Talked Back (1)
Labels: cranky pants, seriously
Excuses, Excuses...
I'm super lame at blogging lately. In my defense, though, I am just getting back into the swing of things with school starting, a new place, a new roommate, a new dog (the roomie's dog), and grad classes.
Basically, my day consists of waking up, going to school, staying late, coming home, watching the dogs engage in wrestle mania, yelling at the dogs, chatting with my roommate, doing schoolwork (either work or grad class), washing my face, going to bed. Wash. Rinse. Repeat.
A few little funnies along the way, though.
John Cena, Jr: "Ms. L! Why I gotta tell you these words all the time?"
Me: "So you can be a fabulous reader! These are words we see all the time when we read and we can't sound them out because they are rule breakers. So we're going to keep practicing to be all star readers!"
JCJ: "Can't we just tell everyone I can read?"
No, Johnny Jr. we can't tell them that. It's actually my job to teach you. Even though you don't want to learn and tell me that on a semi-regular basis.
A past kiddo had the audacity to tell me, "My new teacher is my favorite teacher. You were just my longest teacher."
Um, excuse me buddy? I put up with your shenanigans for 3 years. I taught you to read. I taught you to actually be a decent human being. She's put up with you for like 32 seconds and she takes my reigning title? Kids. No respect.
And... I may or may not have accidentally tripped over the SMARTBoard (it has yet to be hung.. grrrr.) and fell flat on my face. My kiddos came to my rescue and were very concerned for my safety. They suggested we tell the principal it had to be hung up immediately so nobody else would get hurt.
My little cutie pie has started talking up a storm! He's normally non-verbal and while that was utterly obnoxious, it's difficult to discourage his talking even when he's interrupting me. He totally comes out with some funny stuff and is a little parrot. He's all bossy and shiz to my other kid and the other kid (who is approximately 89 times his size and 2 grades older) totally takes it. I have to hide my laughter.
But thank goodness it's Friday. I need a break.
Posted by Kids, Canines, and Chaos at 6:37 PM Talked Back (0)
Friday, September 9, 2011
Homework & Birds...
Posted by Kids, Canines, and Chaos at 12:23 PM Talked Back (1)
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Sunshiney people
Posted by Kids, Canines, and Chaos at 8:13 AM Talked Back (2)
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Updates, etc.
Wow! So much has gone on so far this week. So, we're going bullet-style.
- Ya'll! I got a SMARTBOARD for my classroom. I'm so pumped. Thankfully I already know how to use it and I have some friends who gave me lots of tools to get me started. My goal is to do a vast majority of my teaching with it. Yay!
- I moved in the middle of a hurricane. We're talking soggy boxes and all. The Boy was super generous and paid for movers, so I didn't get that wet. Those poor movers did, though. And, did you know they strapped on my dresser (drawers and all!) on their back and carried it up and down stairs? I was impressed. Movers definitely made it 100x easier.
- Mommy came to visit. Moving with Mommy made things 10x easier-- she helped box up, unpack, rearrange, and decorate. Aren't Mommies wonderful?
- We had two days off this week due to power outages (Thank you, Irene!) and I was not affected, so the two days off were fun-filled with the roomie.
- Roomie has a puppy. Puppies are the devil. Of that I'm sure. Remind me why I thought this was a good idea?! For the love of everything holy, if I have to hear wrestle mania all evening, I'm might just jump off a cliff. Fortunately Zoey grows tired of the playing and whips the little pup into shape.
- Speaking of whipping into shape, I just looked up and Zoey was...well... uh... riding the pup. Oi vey.
Posted by Kids, Canines, and Chaos at 5:50 PM Talked Back (1)
Labels: bullet style, dear mother nature you suck
Sunday, August 28, 2011
{Hurricane Irene}
Wow.. an earthquake and a hurricane in the same week? Phew. I'm exhausted. All that worrying, eating, and oh yeah! moving (in a hurricane!) has made me exhausted.
Lots to report about the aforementioned topics, but I think I have approximately 383 more boxes to unpack.
I'll check in tomorrow! For now, we're all safe and moved in.
Posted by Kids, Canines, and Chaos at 4:04 PM Talked Back (0)
Labels: dear mother nature you suck
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Necessity is the Mother of all Inventions...
Posted by Kids, Canines, and Chaos at 6:02 PM Talked Back (0)
Labels: everything i need to know about life i learned in kindergarten, i think i'm funny
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
First Day Jitters are More than just a Shake..
How about an earthquake on the first day? Nothing like getting the *jitters* out of the way early!
In case you haven't heard, an earthquake hit Mineral, VA which is about 90 miles from DC. We heard loud noises and began to shake around 1:50 pm.
Let's just say... the emergency plans? They don't go quite right in an emergency and we certainly hadn't been prepared for what to do in an earthquake. We evacuated for about an hour, then were released to go back in. It made for quite an adventurous first day, that's for sure. Attempting to get kids to do any work after something like that is no small task.
Here's to an uneventful second day!
Posted by Kids, Canines, and Chaos at 4:53 PM Talked Back (2)
Labels: everything i need to know about life i learned in kindergarten, first day jitters, shake shake it's an earthquake
Monday, August 22, 2011
Meet the Teacher Monday!
Blog Hoppin' is hosting Teacher Week 2011! So hop on over and link up to tell us all a little about yourself!
The kids call me Ms. L, but you can call me Lori. I teach K-2 in a self-contained classroom for students with emotional impairments. This blog started out as an online diary and has sort of evolved into this mish mash of things, including my adventures in teaching. I'm hoping to add to it a bit and begin sharing ideas because I LOVE when all of my bloggy friends share their ideas. So I'm not really a teacher blogger, but I'm a blogger that teaches. I hail from the Midwest (the best place in the US) and hope to someday end up back there. For now, you can find me in the metro DC area.
How long have you been teaching?
This is my sixth year teaching! I can't even believe it. I started out doing special education resource (pull out/push in/co-teaching) for two years in the upper grades. When I first moved here, though, I did a long term sub job in my current school and I fell in love with the school and the elements of a self-contained classroom (it combines my passion for special education and all the perks of a general education classroom), so after two years I moved to my current position. I absolutely LOVE working with the little ones.
You might not know...
I'm obsessed with office supplies, specifically post-it notes and sharpies. I use them for EVERYTHING. I especially love a brand new package of post-its and sharpies. Especially a brand new fresh-tipped sharpie. In addition to my post-it note love, I also enjoy paper clips. Someone recently posted about a paper clip in the shape of Michigan. I begged and pleaded to get them to send me it... but they wouldn't. So I'm on the hunt for the mitten-shaped paper clip.
What are you looking most forward to this school year?
Hmmmm... every year is so different, but I'm really looking forward to all of the growth in my kiddos. I know it's so cliche. But this batch of little ones were only with me for a few months last year, so I'm really looking forward to seeing the growth they make after a full year in our program and with me. There is SO much growth academically and socially in K-2, so I'm excited to watch them blossom!
What do you need to improve?
Time management, for sure! I'm social by nature and I currently live alone, so I often find myself talking during my planning time instead of working. Naturally, that means I'm working late and on the weekends. Because I'm making a vow this year to live life a little more, I'm going to get my stuff done at work so I can take less home. I'm sure there has to be a happy medium!
I've also made a personal goal to live a clutter-free lifestyle. If I don't use it, it's gone. Thankfully my teaching assistant is on board (she made me throw out almost 4 trash cans full of STUFF) and will be gently reminding me to use it or get rid of it.
What teaching supplies can you *not* live without?
Post-it Notes, sharpies, and my Diet Pepsi. Seriously, they all three get me through the day. My heart also skips a beat for a box of brand new markers because I love writing in fun fonts and a new marker is always the best for that.
Head on over to Blog Hoppin' to link up!
Posted by Kids, Canines, and Chaos at 6:41 PM Talked Back (2)
Labels: everything i need to know about life i learned in kindergarten, meet the teacher, teacher week
Sunday, August 21, 2011
So much is swirling in my mind, so that means you're stuck with bullets.
- Today is my last Sunday without the Sunday Blues. We have tomorrow off then we start back with kids on Tuesday. The next few weeks are going to be b.u.s.y. with school and moving.
- Mommy comes on Thursday. She's going to help with the move. While I'm glad she's coming, I'm sad we're going to be so busy while she's here.
- I have the cutest niece in the entire world. Miss Stella is 6 months old and absolutely amazing. I may have spoiled her rotten this weekend. Her mom is the daughter of my M.O.M.and she lives in DC, meaning I get to have slumber parties with her whenever I like. Her mommy loves it because I get to spoil her while she gets things done and Zoey loves it because she has a fenced in yard. I may or may not have taken two REALLY long naps with her cuddled up in my arms.
- Having a beautiful niece means my ovaries scream almost every day about why they haven't had the chance to get in on the fun. While babies are totally cute and adorable, I'm not quite ready to be blessed with one. Some day, hopefully.
- My cousin, S, just got engaged! This means lots of extra trips home and wedding planning galore. I'm so excited for her and I she has honored me with the title of maid of honor. Let's just pray she doesn't dress us in horrible dresses. I already warned her about the wrath of moi should she decide on something god awful. She's a pretty trendy lady, so I don't think I'll have to worry about that.
- I'm moving in less than a week and I'm SO excited to have a town house with a roommate. Hello slumber parties, wine nights, and a built in dog sitter. It's been a while since I've lived with a roommate, so here's to hoping I remember how to be on my best behavior.
Posted by Kids, Canines, and Chaos at 8:41 PM Talked Back (0)
Labels: listy lou, my ovaries are screaming to let them in on the fun, random
Friday, August 19, 2011
Back To School
I've been a busy little bee this week! Getting my classroom set up is always one of my favorite things to do. I love to see the potential in every nook and cranny. I love to dream about all of the learning that will be done in each of the areas. I also LOVE when everything is so neat and orderly.
My new assistant is super awesome. She is totally on board with my style and loves a neat room. I'm really thinking she's going to make me stick to my mantra of less clutter makes a happy classroom.
In other news, I have only two students. I know all of you teachers out there are drooling over this, but I'm actually getting a little nervous. I shouldn't utter these words, but.. what if I get bored? Two kids and two adults. It's a 1:1 ratio. Oi vey. Somehow I think my little one will keep me on my toes...
Happy Back to School!
Posted by Kids, Canines, and Chaos at 5:26 PM Talked Back (1)
Labels: back to school, everything i need to know about life i learned in kindergarten
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
I know, I know..
I've been all sorts of MIA lately. I could offer up excuses, but they would be just that. Excuses. Let's just say I was off gallivanting and enjoying the last precious moments of summer before school started. I'll let you use your imagination.
Now? I'll be focused. I'm back to school which basically means I'll actually have something humorous to talk about, as opposed to blogging about Lil' Miss Zoey. I mean, she's cool and all. But... I doubt that's what you came here for.
While I've been away, I had a college pal visit, I traveled to Michigan (and fell in love all over again with Michigan summers), and began preparing myself for the school year.
Oh, and? I perfected the faux braid courtesy of Caroline. I've rocked it since stumbling upon her tutorial. A super easy AND cute new little do? Yes, please.
I'm totally going to get better about posting what I wear each week (mainly to keep myself accountable) and spicing things up a bit around here. However, that won't happen until after the big move. So, for the next few weeks, you'll have to use your imagination. Assume I'm wearing my signature black/gray/white or teal and I'm probably rockin' a faux braid and a pony. Cause that's how I roll.
Posted by Kids, Canines, and Chaos at 6:32 PM Talked Back (0)
Labels: blog love, i went and got my hair did
Thursday, July 28, 2011
My Other Mother
aka: MOM
So.. I have another mother. Not in a "I have two mommies" kind of way. Except it kind of is.
It all started about 11 years ago. I was dating my high school sweetheart. His mother is a wonderful woman. Being the wonderful woman that she was, she attended my high school sporting events and because of that she and my mom became fast friends. They were pretty good friends and vowed that no matter what happened between their children, they would still be friends.
Then her son and I broke up.
They were still friends. I hated her son. And her daughter (who hated me just as much, for the record!). But I still liked her. So she was a part of the family. When I grew up and moved away, my parents still joined her family on holidays, and she joined our family on vacations. And I totally ended up liking her children again. In fact, her daughter moved to DC and I get to have sleepovers with her like we're in middle school. Except we're all grown up and responsible and shiz.
Mommy and MOM remained best friends. They were there for each other through everything.. a divorce, a child's divorce, my grandmother falling ill, grandpa passing, and my dad passing. And plenty of happy times, too.
Once the dust settled after my dad passed away, Mommy just couldn't stand living alone (she had never done it, ladies. Can you imagine?!) and invited MOM to move in.
Now my two mommies live together.
And I sound like a weirdo when I begin telling a story about my moms. People take that way differently than it's intended,. Then I feel all awkward because I'm all like, "No! My mom has a roommate. Er.. housemate. Her bestie. My dad died and she moved in.. wait, they're not lesbians. Not that there's anything wrong with lesbians, but they aren't lesbians. They are just roommates who happen to be best friends."
It makes for a really awkward convo.
But yes, I'm Lori and I have two mommies. You should totally be jealz because moms are the best and I have two of them.
Posted by Kids, Canines, and Chaos at 8:00 AM Talked Back (7)
Labels: awkward party of one, family, I heart family
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
The First Time
The first time... It's super awkward. You don't really know how it's going to start or end. Butterflies are a'fluttering and your palms are sweaty. Words kind of escape you. Figuring out the right thing to say is tough.
Then you do it.
And you feel better.
I totally did it.
I posted for the first time on a blog I've been stalking for quite some time. Her name is Vodka Mom. She's hilarious and has no idea that I stalk her. But I totally have a girl crush on her and have always wanted to comment, but never knew what to say.
Then I did it. And I felt better.
Posted by Kids, Canines, and Chaos at 9:42 PM Talked Back (0)
Labels: blog love, can we be bff pretty please, girl crush, the first time
{I heart good news}
Today started off a little rough... to the point that I was afraid I wasn't going to make it. Let's just say it's not always fun being the boss. Then I had a meeting with my team for next school year-- we're trying to get ahead of the game. That meeting was met with some resistance, some panic, and utter chaos.
Then I headed home to clean. I'm expecting company this weekend-- a college pal that I haven't seen in 6 years. Man did we ever have some crazy times in college. Stories I'm sure we'll relive this weekend.
But the best part? I finalized the plans for my new place. Complete with a roommate that I adore. I'm cutting my monthly rent by $150 plus splitting utilities. Can I get a woohoo?
Then, Mommy and I finalized plans for me to go home.
Then she offered to come out to help me move. (I'll take another woohoo on that one! Mommy gets to visit and I get help moving. Yes, please!)
Then we figured out a way for my other mother (remind me to tell you about that..) to ride home with me on my trip back from Michigan. Meaning I have another passenger besides Zoey. You know, one who will actually talk back to me and engage in some conversation. That will make the 10 hour drive totally bearable. Plus, Zoey will get a lap to sit on that isn't in the driver's seat. (I'm sure the other drivers on the road will appreciate that one)
An all around good day, I'd say.
Plus tomorrow is the last day of Summer School. Meaning my summer actually starts tomorrow. For two weeks. But I'll take it.
Posted by Kids, Canines, and Chaos at 9:04 PM Talked Back (2)
Labels: I heart family, sometimes life isn't always rainbows and butterflies except when it is
Monday, July 25, 2011
Posted by Kids, Canines, and Chaos at 10:57 AM Talked Back (2)
Sunday, July 17, 2011
New ink...
New tattoo to honor my dad. His birthday in Roman numerals. The geranium was touched up and the h was added in honor of my grandma.
Posted by Kids, Canines, and Chaos at 1:55 PM Talked Back (1)
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Foul Mouth
Posted by Kids, Canines, and Chaos at 10:45 AM Talked Back (2)
Perfect Proposal...
Posted by Kids, Canines, and Chaos at 10:20 AM Talked Back (1)
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Blonde Moments...
Posted by Kids, Canines, and Chaos at 9:18 AM Talked Back (0)
Saturday, July 9, 2011
Yay or nay?
Can I wear this hairstyle to work and still be taken seriously as the boss? Keep in mind, I'm a late twenties teacher in charge of 20 other teachers and assistants, most of whom are older than me. I have interaction with kids and parents, too.
Oh and at least two people have commented that I'm young. But, I assure you I'm pretty profesh when it comes to dealing with others and I know my stuff.
Thoughts? Cute, yes? But classy enough to play the part of boss? Help!
Posted by Kids, Canines, and Chaos at 8:11 PM Talked Back (3)
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Peeing In Private is SO Overrated
Posted by Kids, Canines, and Chaos at 12:50 PM Talked Back (1)
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
I'm back stateside and I'm exhausted. Our last day of travels involved 4 different modes of transportation all over the course of 24 hours. Add that to the jet lag and the beginning of summer school and you get pure exhaustion.
So exhausted that I tripped UP the stairs today at work. Twice. I laughed really hard because, really, there is nothing funnier than someone tripping. Even if it's you.
Pictures and a recap... soon. Pinky swear.
Posted by Kids, Canines, and Chaos at 4:19 PM Talked Back (2)
Labels: have a nice trip see you next fall, summer school, travel
Thursday, June 16, 2011
End of the Year Bliss...
School is out for the summer! Here's how I celebrated my first day of summer-- pedicure and Hooters. I know, a strange combination. One of the girls I went with to get my tootsies dolled up for Italy is pregnant and loves wings. Naturally Hooters was the answer! You should have seen the stares we got. Three ladies walking in to Hooters, without men. I loved it.
Next up? A trip to the board of education to pick up my IEP's for summer school and finish my last minute errands before leaving for ITALY!
Ya'll! I'm going to be in Italy in two days. We're doing a whirlwind trip of Rome, Capri, and Venice. Complete with a catacomb/Vatican tour, swimming in the Mediterranean, and a Venetian sailboat cruise. Not only will I be in a beautiful place, I'm going with the Boy and a couple friend of ours. I love the wife we're going with, so I am certain it will be a great trip. I promise pictures upon my return!
Posted by Kids, Canines, and Chaos at 9:14 PM Talked Back (2)
Labels: summer fun, travel
Friday, June 10, 2011
I'm still here... I promise.
Posted by Kids, Canines, and Chaos at 9:59 AM Talked Back (1)
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Lil' Woman just posted this about her summertime plans, so I thought I'd join in the fun! (And, let's be honest... I'm dragging you know what today, so I really lacked inspiration for le blog, so this works)
Here's what's going on this summer in the land o' chaos.
Posted by Kids, Canines, and Chaos at 8:37 PM Talked Back (2)
Labels: summer fun, summer school, vacation
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Pants on the Ground
Posted by Kids, Canines, and Chaos at 1:03 PM Talked Back (1)
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Posted by Kids, Canines, and Chaos at 11:11 AM Talked Back (2)
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Vegas Recap
I had really grand plans for this recap a few weeks ago. Then I looked at my pictures and realized The Boy and I take ridiculous pictures, both of one another and together. We really don't do anything normal. So of course our pictures aren't normal.
Instead of doing the really cute pictures (they are, um, limited) I'll do some of the outtakes.
Posted by Kids, Canines, and Chaos at 4:00 PM Talked Back (1)
Labels: whatever happens in vegas
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
My Life in Tattoos
Posted by Kids, Canines, and Chaos at 9:42 PM Talked Back (3)
Labels: it's my life, my life in pictures
Monday, May 16, 2011
You know you're dedicated when you offer to take a child's pants home to re-stitch the seam in his pants.
Or you're tired of hearing his friends say, "You have a hole in your pants! I can see your under roos!"
And, on a completely related note... when you hear a child say, "My bottom hurts. My drawers are too tight." You might have a hard time hiding your laughter. Just sayin'.
22 more days. I CAN do this.
Posted by Kids, Canines, and Chaos at 6:49 PM Talked Back (1)
Labels: everything i need to know about life i learned in first grade
Friday, May 13, 2011
Oh My..
Posted by Kids, Canines, and Chaos at 12:35 PM Talked Back (1)
Thursday, May 12, 2011
By Patrick Overton
When you walk to the edge of all the light you have
and take that first step into the darkness of the unknown,
you must believe that one of two things will happen:
There will be something solid for you to stand upon,
or, you will be taught how to fly
Posted by Kids, Canines, and Chaos at 6:06 PM Talked Back (0)
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Things I Miss About Having 2 Functional Hands...
Posted by Kids, Canines, and Chaos at 1:00 PM Talked Back (1)
Sunday, May 8, 2011
It's the Simple Pleasures...
Posted by Kids, Canines, and Chaos at 10:26 PM Talked Back (2)
Sunday, May 1, 2011
Oi Vey.
I meant to post vacay pictures tonight, but I broke my finger playing touch football. The hunt and peck method of typing is annoying, so I'm going to have to hold off on the vacation recap.
If you're wondering, I didn't score the TD, but I did score one later. Broken finger and all.
I'm that tough.
Posted by Kids, Canines, and Chaos at 6:26 PM Talked Back (1)
Friday, April 29, 2011
Update... List Style
- It's no fun to seek shelter from a tornado with 20 students who are emotionally disturbed/ADHD/anxious.
- Puking in an airplane bathroom? Not so fun.
- Lake Havasu is really neat.
- The bridge built next to Hoover Dam? It's tall. And causes panic attacks when you're afraid of bridges.
- Kids who scream "F*ck You!" on the first day you meet them may put you through the ringer.
Posted by Kids, Canines, and Chaos at 2:12 PM Talked Back (3)
Saturday, April 9, 2011
Saturday Fun
Riding along with the boy tonight while he works... this should be interesting. He's a police officer in a not so nice area.
Don't worry, I warned my mom and updated my insurance policy.
Posted by Kids, Canines, and Chaos at 7:05 PM Talked Back (2)
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Sometimes things in life have a funny way of working out.
Today, as I was driving to grad class talking on the phone to my mom (don't tell anyone, it's against the law to drive without a hands free device.. and I totally was not rocking the bluetooth. Oops.) she was explaining the options for the headstone for my dad. We were discussing options, talking about what he would have wanted and what we wanted to celebrate his life. As we were doing so, my mom made mention to the Old English D for the Detroit Tigers or a lighthouse. Both were things my dad loved very much.
I was driving right next to Baltimore-Washington International when a plane literally almost landed right in front of me. I *may* have screamed because I was afraid it was going to miss the runway and land on my head. Of course, it wasn't going to. I'm just a little dramatic like that.
This is what almost landed on me.
If you look closely, near the tail/jet you will see the Old English D with the tiger in it.
Call it fate, call it divine intervention, call it God... whatever it was, it was a sign. It sent chills through my entire body.
Don't worry, Dad. We got the D. We wouldn't have done it any other way.
Posted by Kids, Canines, and Chaos at 9:06 PM Talked Back (3)
Labels: i got chills they're multiplying
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
I went to a fan-FREAKING-tastic workshop today about Dinah Zike's foldables. We're getting the Treasures reading program in the fall, and apparently it's loaded with foldables.
I'm SUPER excited to use more of these in the classroom. I already use some of them, but these were great reminders/refreshers about how to use them across all content areas and how to use them for assessments. I came across this website for foldables in math (it's free, go there... like now!) and you all know how crazy I am about math AND hands-on learning activities. I'm so pumped to add this to my repertoire.
I promise I'll take some pictures this week of how I use them and I'll post them on here. Be on the look-out, Teacher Friends!
Posted by Kids, Canines, and Chaos at 8:46 PM Talked Back (1)
Monday, April 4, 2011
Responsibility Sucks..
Posted by Kids, Canines, and Chaos at 3:59 PM Talked Back (0)
Thursday, March 31, 2011
An Open Letter
Dear Grad Classes,
You can go away anytime now. I'm tired of you and I just want to be done. Remember how we had a great relationship last semester? Well now that you've doubled, I kind of hate you.
Dear Self,
Never take two grad classes at once, ever again. I know you think it's a good idea {and, in theory, it is} but it's not practical. Especially in the spring.
This is your warning. Do it again and I'll have to hurt you.
Posted by Kids, Canines, and Chaos at 8:29 PM Talked Back (0)
Labels: an open letter to, grad classes, sometimes i make the dumbest choices and don't know why
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Keeping my head above water...
Posted by Kids, Canines, and Chaos at 2:28 PM Talked Back (0)
Monday, March 28, 2011
Indoor Recess...
Posted by Kids, Canines, and Chaos at 11:51 AM Talked Back (1)
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Tae Kwon What?
Overheard today...
"I know tae kwon do, so don't even think about messing with me!"
Peer response: "Oh yeah? You know tae kwon do? Well I know tae kwhoop your @$$!"
Posted by Kids, Canines, and Chaos at 6:42 PM Talked Back (1)
Labels: overheard
Dears Facebook Users,
I do not care that you just checked in at the gynecologists office. In fact, you've painted a mental image that has been forever burned into my brain. Thanks. I'm seeing you, the gyno, and your legs spread wide open. Guh. Spare me.
I also do not care that your child threw up on you AND you had to change an explosive diaper. Again, the mental images are haunting me.
There is such a thing as Too Much Information (TMI) and you've totally crossed that line. I will never be able to read your status updates without wondering if the diarrhea came out of your pants. Or if the gyno saw anything weird like sparkles or fairies while looking at.. well, you know.
Please stop. Before my brain becomes mush and I realize I can't go a single day without wondering about your intimate secrets.
Your ex facebok friend
Posted by Kids, Canines, and Chaos at 6:26 PM Talked Back (1)
Labels: facebook, omg you said what, tmi
Monday, March 21, 2011
Beware the Ides of March...
Omg. March can go away anytime now.
Gah. On top of the ticket for the toll, I also acquired a new kiddo, one more is on the way, I bumped the boys car in freaking downtown Baltimore, and locked myself out of my house.
Thank you blonde hair. Thank you.
Posted by Kids, Canines, and Chaos at 9:36 PM Talked Back (1)
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Okay, Ladies. I need your help. It's a total fashion emergency. We're talking total emergency.
I'm going to Italy this summer and it's going to be warm when we're wandering around, so I'm thinking a few cotton summer dresses. Plus, I'm totally vain. I'm going with a cutie patootie friend and she's going to be rocking the cute dresses.
Disappointment is
So.. where's your go-to for summer dresses? Think inexpensive. I'm working with a teacher's salary. On a budget. You know, to save for that vacation.
Posted by Kids, Canines, and Chaos at 9:02 PM Talked Back (6)
Labels: fashion smashion, help
Tolls? Psh.. Who Pays 'Em Anyway?
I may or may not have taken a wrong turn on my way back from the city today. Read: Baltimore. Said wrong turn resulted in taking the tunnel, which is, of course, with a fee. A toll. Crap.
Guess who NEVER carries cash? This girl.
See the problem?
At least the people in Baltimore are much nicer than those neighbors to the north, in PA. They totally were like, "Oh it happens all the time. Here's a ticket, call tomorrow and pay with your credit card! Drive safely." as opposed to the jerks in PA who made me pull over, wait for a manager to write up a darn ticket for me and then proceeded to tell me that I had to pay it with a check or money order. Um.. hello? Have you ever heard of plastic?
Yes, this means I've been caught twice without cash at a toll plaza.
Mom mentioned something about having cash in my wallet just in case. Where's the fun in that?
Posted by Kids, Canines, and Chaos at 6:01 PM Talked Back (1)
Labels: blonde moment
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Sorting things Out
Posted by Kids, Canines, and Chaos at 10:29 AM Talked Back (3)
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
I've been a little sad lately. Actually, a lot sad. I kind of thought maybe I was throwing a pity party for myself and trid to tell myself to get over it.
Until I realized (at the doctor, no less..) that my past year or so has been pretty poopy. In 13 months my husband left me, I watched my grandmother die, and my Dad died very suddenly and we were forced to make tough decisions regarding his life. It was one thing after another. And each one occurred just as I thought I was getting over the previous incident.
It's okay for me to be sad. It's okay for me to have a bad day. It's even okay for me to cry. Heck, it's expected. I don't have to be a robot and I don't have to be perfect. I just have to be me. And if I'm sad, I'm allowed to be sad. I have to learn to be okay with my feelings and cut myself a little slack.
So, I'm sad. I'm sad I can't call my dad or get a hug from him. I'm sad I won't be able to watch him with his grandchildren (someday, not now obviously). And I'm really sad that my mom has to go through life without her best friend and her partner. All those things I'm sad about, she's sad about, too.
And that's okay.
We'll get through this, absolutely. And we'll be stronger because of it. But for now, it's okay to be sad.
Posted by Kids, Canines, and Chaos at 5:27 PM Talked Back (2)
Labels: life isn't always rainbows and butterflies, life kinda sucks sometimes
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Breaking News...
Posted by Kids, Canines, and Chaos at 10:55 AM Talked Back (0)
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Guest Reader
Posted by Kids, Canines, and Chaos at 1:20 PM Talked Back (1)
Monday, February 28, 2011
Parenting 101
Parenting* (like any behavior modification/management) is all about follow through. If you're going to threaten it, you better be able to actually live up to your threats.
Which is why I'm not questioning my neighbor tonight. She threatened to throw her 8 year old son out of her house if he didn't start acting right. And she did. For approximately 5 minutes, homeboy was pounding on the door telling her he'd straighten up.
Way to go, neighbor.
You threatened, he challenged, you followed through. Nice work.
Now if you could only control his screaming at you at 9:30 at night when I'm trying to watch reality t.v., that would be greatly appreciated. Or convince my management company to do something about the thin walls..
*I'm not a parenting expert, obviously. I just calls it like I sees it.
Posted by Kids, Canines, and Chaos at 9:43 PM Talked Back (2)
Labels: you did what